Ecosystem comparison tools

Compare and analyse tech ecosystems across a broad range of geographies

European Map:

Use this interactive tool to click on the European country you are interested in. You'll see high level ecosystem insights including total companies, funding, exits, trending industries and more. 

Chart Builder:

The chart builder allows you to compare locations based on the number of startups, unicorns, future unicorns, number of VC funding rounds, ecosystem values, and new funds raised. 

You will see the default countries list on the right hand side of the page, however, we can also add more countries to this list as well as remove the ones that are not relevant. To do so, click on “Add location” and enter the name of the country you would like to add.

Comparison Tool:

Using the comparison tool, you can also compare the same metrics as in the chart builder but side-by-side. In addition to those metrics, you can also view number of funding rounds YTD, VC funding YTD, Exits > €100m in the last 36 months, employees, and new funds YTD.

Like with the chart builder, we can add and subtract countries depending on relevance. 

You will also notice some suggested searches at the top of the page which you can easily jump into and explore. 

To edit the metrics in this view, remove them by clicking on the trash icon at the right of the row or add locations by clicking on the + button at the bottom of the table. 

Need help? 

Feel free to reach out to us via our support chat (bottom right).