Creating a free account

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Now that you know what is, the next step is to create an account. 

To sign up click on the 'signup' button on the top right corner and fill in the details or sign up with LinkedIn.

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After successfully creating your account, a verification email will be sent to your registered email address. Open the verification email and click on the link in your email to make sure your account is verified.

Clicking on the link will redirect you to the Dealroom where you can add yourself to your company and confirm your business email. You can also choose to do this at a later stage. 

Verifying is important—it guarantees you access to the Dealroom platform and all ecosystems.

Note: Didn’t receive your verification email in your inbox? Ensure your email address is spelled correctly, double-check the Spam or Junk folder or refresh your inbox several times. If this doesn’t solve the issue, you can reach out to our Support team using this page.